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Weather Safety & Policies

SCAA Lightning Policy

We use a term well known in the sports field as "cloud to ground" lightning.  When a lightning strike is witnessed, it is mandatory to stop play and clear the fields for 30 minutes.   When a strike is observed one long blast of an air horn will be sounded across the complex.  Players and coaches must clear the fields, including the dugouts, and everyone at the complex seek substantial shelter or go to their vehicles.  Each time "cloud to ground" lightning is observed, the 30 minute delay resets.  Umpires attention is not always in the direction of the lightning and we ask that coaches and parents bring it to the umpires attention when this is the case.  Members of the Board of Directors are also required to stop games/practice/other events if they witness "cloud to ground" lightning strikes.  If your game/practice is postponed/called for lightning, Managers should contact their Division's Field Director immediately and the event will be rescheduled if possible.

Playing in Hot Weather

Heat and humidity are reasons to properly be prepared during the seasons.  Late spring, summer, and early fall in southern Chesapeake is always hot and muggy, but you can manage the hot weather if you are prepared.  Some tips for playing in hot weather:

Hydration is always important.  Drinking a combination of water and electrolyte rich drink, such as Gatorade, is the preferred form of hydration during competition.  Coaches should always be giving players multiple "water breaks" during practices and ensuring players are hydrating between innings during games.

Cooling off between innings.  Ice packs & cold towels can be important tools to cool down players more quickly.

Watch for Heat Exhaustion/Heat illness.  This can be a concern when the heat index is above 94 degrees (see table below).  Signs of Heat Exhaustion/Heat Illness include:  Heavy sweating , weakness, a thread pulse, cold, pale, or clammy skin.  If these signs are observed, the player should immediately be moved to a shaded area or indoors to an airconditioned building or vehicle.  Clothing should be loosened and cool wet cloths should be applied on the neck, arm pits, and inner thigh.  Give cold fluids as tolerated.

Be aware of Heat Stroke.  This is the more serious condition that involved the internal body temperature rising above 106 degrees.  A player/person experiencing heat stroke, may lose consciousness.  They will have warm dry skins and a strong, rapid pulse.  If these symptoms are observed dial 9-1-1 immediately.  The player/person should be cooled as quickly as possible using cold wet clothes on the skin.  Do not give fluids.  The main goal is to lower the body temperature as fast as possible.

Use sunscreen and wear clothing with a UPF over 30.  Sunscreen should be applied every 1-2 hours and more frequently if excessively sweating.  Be careful not to get it in the eyes of younger players, especially if they wipe their arm across their eyes.

Use sunglasses.  Ensure to use ones with safety rated lenses which are more resistant to breakage or cracking.

Playing in Cold Weather


In early spring and late fall, it can be quite chilly in southeastern Virginia/northeast North Carolina and can create a challenge for playing outside for players and coaches.  Here's some tips to help stay warm while playing:

Layer clothing.  Long sleeves or leggings are recommended if the temperature is below 45 degrees.  And extra pair of socks may also be helpful.   Players are not allowed to wear anything "bulky" that may interfere with their play.  Players are also required to wear their jersey as the outside layer during games, "hoodies" or sweatshirts with hoods are also not supposed to be worn during games.  Jackets and gloves may also be good for when sitting in the dugout between innings.

Towel off if sweating.  Make sure players dry off any exposed skin if a player has been sweating.

Keep hydrated.  It's important to always keep hydrated and maintain energy, even when you're not thirsty.

Air Quality Alerts

The health and safety of our players & families at SCAA is our top priority and when air quality becomes a concern (from such sources as wildfires, pollution, etc.) we want everyone to be mindful of how it can affect even healthy individuals and pets.  People with chronic illnesses, such as asthma and heart disease, should limit their time outside until air quality improves.

Players and families should take precautions such as:

  • Stay indoors as much as possible

  • Reduce activity levels

  • Minimize the use of gas powered equipment/vehicles

  • Don't burn debris & other items

  • Check on older adults & people with health conditions

Check out air quality alerts and forecasts from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality by CLICKING HERE.

If you have any questions concerning weather safety and policies, please contact the SCAA Safety Manager on the Board of Directors Page.

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