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SCAA Anti-Bullying Policy

SCAA Anti-Bullying Policy

This Anti-Bullying Policy overview is intended to guide all Managers, Coaches, Players, Volunteers, Parents, Guardians, and Spectators in their behavior at Southern Chesapeake Athletic Association (SCAA) sanctioned games, practices, events, complex and fields.  Bullying not only leads to anxiety and low self-esteem in youth who are targeted, but also causes other youth to feel unsafe. Youth of all ages deserve the right to feel safe and supported by all SCAA Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Players, Volunteers, and Parents. By raising awareness throughout our league, Board Members, Coaches and Parents can work together to ensure that SCAA is a place that all members & players feel welcome and included.

Bullying involves behavior by one person or a group of people with the intent to ridicule, harass, humiliate, or intimidate another person during all SCAA sanctioned games, practices, and events.

·         Verbal bullying involves repetitious behavior and includes the use of words and gestures.

·         Emotional bullying involves rejection, terrorizing, extorting, humiliating, rating/ranking personal characteristics such as race, disability, ethnicity, or perceived sexual orientation.

·         Physical bullying can include a single incident of pushing, hitting or kicking a person or interfering with their property.

·         Bullying which occurs outside of the SCAA setting may be addressed by League officials only if such conduct markedly interrupts or severely impedes the purposes of the SCAA.

No amount of bullying is acceptable. Not all joking or horseplay is bullying, but when the intent or effect is to cause distress, continuation or repetition of such behavior is bullying and will not be tolerated.   Any Team Manager, Coach, Team Parent, Volunteer, or SCAA Board Member who witnesses any type of bullying is required to try to stop it immediately.

Reporting Bullying:
If you are being bullied, or know of someone being bullied, or witness any bullying activity, you are required to report it to a Team Manager, Coach, Team Parent, Division Player Agent/Field Director, or any member of the Board of Directors as soon as possible.  The reporting form is on the SCAA website ( or the attached form may be filled out and delivered to a SCAA Board Member.  The person who received the report shall forward the incident report immediately to their Field Director and/or Player Agent.  The Field Director/Player Agent shall then immediately forward the report to their respective Vice President of Baseball/Softball.  

Disciplinary Review: 
The report will be referred to their Division’s Disciplinary Review Board (including Division’s Field Director & Player Agent, and their VP of Baseball/Softball) for further investigation/action.

Consequences of Bullying:
If a person at SCAA (including managers, coaches, players, volunteers, guardians and spectators) has taken part in bullying behavior, a warning will immediately be given to that individual by an SCAA Board Member, Umpire, Team Manager or Coach witnessing the incident.  If the behavior continues or the report is deemed serious enough by the Disciplinary Review Board, the offending party can be assigned further consequences which can include further discussions with parents/guardians, further suspensions or exclusions, ineligibility for playoff, tournament and/or all-star involvement, up to and including permanent removal from SCAA and reporting to local law enforcement.  Disciplinary Review Board shall be scheduled within 24 hours and convene within 72 hours of the incident report.  All decisions of the Disciplinary Review Board are final and are not made public. Written disposition of the incident report must be filed on SCAA Basecamp Site by the VP once completed.  

ANti-Bullying Reporting

SCAA Anti-Bullying Reporting
Southern Chesapeake Athletic Association maintains policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and bullying.  Please use this form to report incidents of bullying.
Click here to report a bullying incident.

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