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Complex Rules & Safety


Speed Limit

The speed limit at the complex is 10 miles per hour
– this includes the entire vicinity of our complex. We have a lot of children running around the complex, crossing the street to practice and games so please observe the speed limit!


Parking is only allowed in designated parking areas. Parking on the side of roads and field entrances is prohibited. 
Handicap Parking is defined by blue painted logs in the parking lots with the "Handicap logo" painted on them.  Any vehicle found parking in the handicap spaces without a state-issued plate or placard will be towed.

Pet/Animal Policy

No Animals are allowed at the SCAA Complex with the exception of certified, licensed, and properly marked service dogs.  The work or task an animal has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability.  Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA or under Virginia law and are not allowed at SCAA.  Service animals are also required to display their identifying leash, vest, or harness any time they are working.  SCAA reserves the right to ask any animal to leave the grounds if it poses a direct threat to the health and safety of our visitors.

Smoking/Alcohol Policy

Smoking/vaping/use of e-cigarettes is allowed ONLY in the parking areas. Smokers are asked to completely extinguish their cigarettes/cigars and properly dispose of them.  Alcohol of any type is banned from the SCAA Complex.

Lost & Found

Our Lost and Found is at our Main Concession Stand at the Clubhouse. There is a bin located outside the stand with all Lost and Found items. Please ask someone that is working the stand to assist you in checking the Lost and Found if needed.

First Aid Kits

First aid kits/ice packs are located in the marked boxes on buildings around the complex.   Our AED is located in the main clubhouse concession stand.  Additional ice packs are also available at the main clubhouse and concessions stands. If you notice a first aid kit is low on something or have used an ice pack, please email [email protected].

SCAA is committed to ensuring a positive youth baseball and softball experience. To ensure that our complex remains safe, we require that all members and visitors adhere to complex rules and regulations.

For more information about rules and policies, visit our FAQs page.


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